Basset Hound Care


One characteristic often attributed to a basset hound is laziness. While there is a reason why this stereotype exists, a daily walk of at least 20 minutes is essential to the health and well-being of the dog. It is suggested that puppies and young adult bassets be walked more often. Bassets can be prone to becoming overweight if they are not given the proper exercise. Basset hounds should always be kept on a leash when not in a fenced area, as they will follow a tracked scent over calls from their owner.

Basset Hound

Known for their short size, keen sense of smell, and ubiqituous long ears, Basset Hounds are a relatively easy dog to care for. That said, basset hounds are also known for their stubborness and require patience and persistence from their owners when training.

Appearance and Grooming

The basset hound is a larger dog than it's short stature might suggest. An adult basset hound can weigh anywhere from 50 to 75 pounds. Basset hounds are generally red and white, blonde and white, or have the typical hound tri-color scheme of black, white, and a shade of brown. While their coat is short, they will shed a lot, particularly in the fall in the spring. During these times, it is imperative to brush their coat as much as possible. The long ears of a basset hound can be prone to infections and should be cleaned regularly. Potential owners should be aware that even wih care and bathing, bassets can develop a strong "hound smell" that tends to flow throughout the residence.